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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

South Lake Tahoe AYSO

16U division

The 16U program was developed to continue player development in a fun yet competitive environment. After the completion of the regular season a post season tournament is played with the top two teams receiving trophies.  The winner of the post season tournament is eligible to move on to the area tournament. 

The Ball: 
A size 5 ball is used for 16U games.

The Players:
There will be 11 per team on field; one of which is a goalkeeper. 15 maximum on roster. Substitutions are between periods, at halftime and for injuries.

Player Equipment: 
Shoes and shinguards, covered by the socks are mandatory at all practice and game activities. Soccer shoes, tennis shoes, or similar type athletic shoes are recommended. The type and condition of cleated shoes must be inspected for safety before use.

Duration of Game:
Four 20-minute periods. Halftime break of 5 - 10 minutes. No other changes from play as specified in FIFA Laws of the Game Printed for the American Youth Soccer Organization.

The Start of Play: 
The game should be started with a kick-off in the middle of the field. Referees determine which team starts the game with a coin flip and the opposing team starts the second half. Opponents must be ten yards from the center mark while kick-off is in progress.

Fouls & Misconduct
As per FIFA laws of the game

AYSO certified Regional Referees or higher are required for U-12 and older games.The referee should briefly explain any infringements to the player(s) and encourage proper play and sporting behavior. As with all games, every effort should be made to keep the game moving and free from stoppages for doubtful infractions. Let them play and enjoy.

Assistant Referees/Club Linesmen:
If available, qualified assistant referees who have completed Assistant Referee Certification may be used to assist the referee. This is an opportunity for new assistant referees to begin getting experience. If qualified assistant referees are not available, Club Linesmen (untrained volunteers who may be affiliated with one of the teams/clubs) may be recruited from the spectators to assist the referee with calling the ball in and out of play only. This is an opportunity for parents to get involved.


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Contact Us

South Lake Tahoe AYSO

PO Box 16737 
South Lake Tahoe, California 96151

Email Us: [email protected]
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